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Answer by Tony Leukering
Respondents apparently found this week's quiz easy, as none provided an incorrect answer. Those providing details on the tack they took invariably noted the black rear end and lack of white on the flanks, the white in the secondaries (just barely visible on the bird's right wing), and the vermiculated gray sides. However, few noted the gray tertials -- the focal point of the quiz, a feature that is an excellent separator of dabbling ducks, as only Mallard shares the characteristic.
Incorrect species provided as answers:
Congratulations to the 14 of 14 getting the quiz correct:
Thomas Hall
John Bissell
Joel Such
Chris Warren
George Cresswell
Su Snyder
Liston Rice
Kevin Kerr
Margie Joy
Aaron Brees
Tim Smart
Peter Wilkinson
Chishun Kwong
Al Guarente
Answer: Gadwall