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Solution by Tony Leukering
Excellent! No one stumbled over the hyphenation/non-hyphenation problem, the primary reason that I used this picture in the quiz. Two respondents figured out that reason and provided a bit of humor in their responses.
Peter Wilkinson: Why can't you just call it French Heron, and then we wouldn't have to worry about hyphenation and spelling and all that?!
Joshua Little: To dash or not to dash? Not to dash.
This week's quiz bird is a heron and the blue wings, brownish back, and white belly fooled no one into mis-stepping on the ID, at least among the respondents. I took this picture of a Tricolored Heron on 27 January 2010 at the Viera wetlands, Brevard Co., FL.
Incorrect species provided as answers:
none -- excellent!
Congratulations to the 21 of 21 getting the quiz correct:
Kirk Huffstater
Ben Coulter
Logan Kahle
Tyler Bell
George Cresswell
Su Snyder
Pam Myers
Margaret Smith
Gary Koehn
Peter Wilkinson
William von Herff
Donald Jones
Patty McKelvey
Margie Joy
Richard Jeffers
Joshua Little
Casey Ryan
Anji Trujillo
Joe Bens
Bryan Guarente
Nick Komar
Answer: Tricolored Heron